Log Accessories
Attitude adjuster   $10.00
 Juniper antler coat rack with  mirror           
Assorted candle holders we have in stock.
Three candle holder with juniper backing
   Coat rack with a juniper shelf
 juniper toilet paper holder #5
Juniper Toilet paper holder  #4
  Juniper toilet paper holder #2.
 Juniper toilet paper holder #3
5 place cup holder
     Pine paper towel holder
 Pine paper towel holder
Juniper paper towel holder                                                           
$25    SOLD
 Pine cup holder.
  Pine candle holder with tea candle
Pine candle holder with handle
Pine tea  candle holder with handle
          Pine tea candle holder
Pine tea candle holder
Pole coat racks are made of lodgepole pine

$100.00 to $125.00
Saddle racks come with or without tails and heads
$100.00 to $125.00
Pine cup holder great for cottage or cabin
Pine Step Stool
Working with log's and tree's can make you a branch manager
A pair of lamp scones make of yellow pine        $110.00
various pine lamps $30.00 each
        Lodge pole pine cup holder
Coat racks made with juniper wood and mule deer antlers
Prices vary from $85.00 to $ 75.00
              3 Peg Coat Rack

Made from Red Cedar and coated with tung oil
        Holds 3 coats or cups
              $20.00 each